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Expanded the road network northwest of Mogiliovo POI. AAS . Alt-tabbing out of Squad during a loading screen freezes the Player (client). The system is limited to only one player being able to stand on another at a time, to prevent giant towers of players The Squad teams focus here was to reward players who move and work together to overcome obstacles, encouraging and rewarding players who move in closer proximity and work as a squad rather than as individuals. Fixed a variety of foliage textures to help with brightness, saturation and some normals to prevent glowing foliage, due to materials with excessive subsurface brightness. Fixed the long standing FOB Double teleport bug. We now achieve the desired look using lighting alone, which preserves detail. Note: All three of the following critical issues are linked to a common root problem within Unreal Engine 4 re. Most RAAS layers are just not very random, it is more that they have fog of war over the exact position of the objective but that is of little consequence if all options are basically within 200 meters of each other. Arrows will appear on the Capture Progress Bar to indicate how quickly the point is being captured or lost. Some of the new Seed layers have experimental features added to try out various scenarios to see how they play out, Tallil Seed v1 is focused on light vehicle combat, the rest of the seeding layers dont have offensive vehicles, On Tallil Seed v1, Logar Seed v1, and Sumari Seed v1 the Mercy Bleed rate for losing your last flag has been increased to -300 tickets per second (essentially instantly ending the round), Al Basrah Seed v1, Fallujah Seed v1, and Tallil Seed v2 have Restriction zones limiting the fighting to middle flag(s), At the moment, these restriction zones stay in place until the end of the round. Fixed an issue with conflicting ambient tree SFX cutting out around grid E9-6-6. Chora RAAS v3 features old school F88 Rifles. Updated the game mode legend descriptions and server browser tooltip text to be more rapidly digestible and easy to understand. Updated the way armor meshes react to damage traces from explosions. Kamdesh RAAS v4 Fixed respawn time of an MEA MTLB 6MA (was incorrectly 10 seconds, now 6 minutes). I already made a thread about it here a few months ago and simply due to the fact that it got zero response from any member of the development team one can only assume that such behavior is actually officially condoned. This is intended to help mitigate visual anomalies from high altitudes, as well as reduce abuse of excessive helicopter spotting by exploiting LODs/landscape render issues at high altitudes. Redesigned to be both as unpredictable as possible, while also maintaining the sanity of those who play, Hawks RAAS Rework is a hybrid between the olden days of Full Random, and the new-school Laned RAAS. Our design intent is to allow for camouflage and cautious movement to be effective, but without excessively inhibiting other players situational awareness once a firefight begins. RAAS v07. I already made a thread about it here a few months ago and simply due to the fact that it got zero response from any member of the development team one can only assume that such behavior is actually officially condoned. Setting it to Low will disable the effect altogether. V2.12s primary focus was on bringing improvements to Squads visuals, making for an all around better looking game, as well as adding new gameplay and tactical opportunities for our players based only on the higher quality visuals alone. Squad Lanes makes sense as an invaluable tool in RAAS layers that follow lanes such as Yehorivka RAAS V1. Corrected the helicopter pilots penalty to now only be counted as a single suicide penalty when crashing a helicopter, regardless of the amount of passengers involved. Design Intention: Encourage squads to capture together, and make players aware of the benefits of having more people together on the point. Tessellation itself has also been significantly optimized. . Added 3 new Kohat RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Kohat RAAS v5 (USA vs RU), Kohat RAAS v6 (GB vs RU), Kohat RAAS v7 (RU vs MEA). This change was done to account for the previously mentioned change to radial splash damage on vehicle gunner positions, as this kill zone radius would also damage gunner positions to that change. V2.11 mods will not work with v2.12 and could potentially crash Squad before it was able to launch the Main Menu. Capturing generally takes longer and the neutral flag capture rate variability is more obvious with 3 or fewer soldiers in the capture zone. Now many of these faction setups will be displayed on individual lines, except for when a team has many of several vehicle types: IE Invasion layers with many Minsk bikes or Logis. Fixed an issue with various buildings and foliage culling too quickly. Now they should block traces with the visibility channel. We have completely reworked the games handling of dynamic shadows. This also helps reduce the perceived smudgyness of anti-aliasing. We plan to push a full localization pass in a future release as we lock down the text that needs to be translated for the game. Fixed a minor UI issue with the MIL MTLBM 6MB vehicle info card entry, the icon was inconsistent with the map icon (it was using APC rather than IFV). Fixed a minor error in text with CAF Grenadier C7 using C8s item description. Squads v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! Fixed vehicle spawners on Skorpo Invasion v1 and added 2 Minsk bikes that respawn at Main for MIL. Updated the render distance of muzzle flashes, this was previously only 50m now muzzle flashes render out to 1000m. Fixed an issue for outside metal hit SFX on vehicles being too loud and sounded too far out from projectiles. Fixed a section of a wall having broken LODs making the wall appear damaged at grid F6-4-7. Fixed an issue with Lashkar Valley Insurgency v1, USA Helicopters were unable to resupply from their helipads. Fixed an issue with a static shovel floating at grid D7-8-5. Numerous fixes to improve Server performance, and the experience of running a Server for our Server Owner partners. RAAS v08. Fixed a minor gameplay issue with a blocking volume for the sewer that was slightly blocking the street above. Potential Fix for a client crash related to audio and gun sounds. Overhauled thousands of materials, textures, and 3D models to react to light in a more physically accurate way. Each factions deployables will have a different colour scheme depending on which biome the map belongs to: Forest, Desert, or Snow. Updated the Standard Lighting so FX emissive bloom can be adjusted by material instance brightness where needed. Fixed a minor visual issue for helmets with the CAF Pilots helmet LOD being offset from the character, resulting in a floating helmet. deployables to be placed intention is to disallow all deployables in the sewers. Updated landscape to be rockier across the entire landscape. Most night layers are now brighter in general. Updated Yehorivka to use a new road material. USA now has 2x M939. At Cinematic quality, there is no longer any limit to particle update rate, allowing you to see our VFX the way they were always intended to be seen. All infantry inside the restriction zone can take damage from projectiles and anything else that causes damage. Fixed an issue with vehicles sometimes floating when they first spawn. This may not provide a benefit on all computers. Fixed a potentially exploitable issue with server fire projectile IDs. Fixed a minor visual issue with the UV normals on the MEA MTLB APC not looking correct. Smoke, grass, bushes and other foliage will now be blown around when a helicopter hovers low to the ground during flybys / landings. more than 100 rounds if they respawn with an empty kit. Improved Ambient Lighting: Converted the Skylight to work with HDRI skyboxes, and removed the old Ambient Cubemaps. proportions on the CAF and MEA static flags. Fixed specular on the imposter LODs for some trees, including the palms on Al Basrah. More details below: Removed the force which previously prevented infantry from standing on each others heads. We are continuously working to improve server performance and optimization. Fixed an issue on several Invasion/Insurgency map layers where the Defenders would have the wrong intro text & staging phase text. Some layers will continue to receive tweaks and improvements in the future. The audio module for Squad is initialized at the game start. Vehicle Reset Feature can freeze a vehicle in the air if used too close to a tree. Fixed an issue with tall buildings culling inapporpriately. Local/Offline Bug with Commander UAV hovers in one position instead of moving along the flight path in local. New layers: Yehorivka RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), Yehorivka RAAS v7 (GB vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v3 (CAF vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v4 (CAF vs RU). Fixed a minor issue where ticket values would sometimes appear in the negative at the end of a round. Added a new map layer: Al Basrah Seed v1 (GB vs MEA) new map layer for server seeding, which includes a single capture point in the Crossroads with restriction zones and forward spawns. AAS . The oldest notifications will be removed to make room for new ones. Also. Added a new deployable fortified HASCO Observation Tower for all conventional factions. Fixed an issue with decorative river rock collisions which could be entered/exploited, river rocks with no player collision have been reduced in size to prevent exploitation. This should ensure that soldiers in open-top turrets could receive damage from explosions only when these explosions happen within line of sight. WoodenQuality5099 25 days ago However it's not truly random. More map layers will be upgraded with the HDRI sky spheres gradually in future updates. This means, for example, that the gunner on the Simir will now take damage if a grenade lands close to the vehicle. One squad leader is usually trying to pull the team together and getting yelled at by the other squad leaders, who are doing nothing productive, for losing everyone the game. The update also brings an overhaul of how the game handles lighting. Tunnels are now darker in general, to better represent these CQB areas. Also added more opacity at further LODs. The effect now smoothly fades in and out. It should no longer crash, but we will be monitoring client logs. Others can still hear them when they talk. Only the admin cam has special caster features. RAAS v01. In Vanilla Squad, RAAS have predefined lanes, and within these lanes there are clusters of points for each capture point (ie, 1st point will have xyz capture zones, 2nd point will have abc, etc. Containing extra details of each layer, such as: Factions, vehicles, tickets, commander status and much more. Fixed an issue with back blast VFX, where the bounding boxes were making these effects flicker off at certain angles. Added WASD input zoom sensitivity scaling to open top vehicle turrets and emplacements. Fixed some floating grass at grid F5-5-8. Create Infographic with the information below: Added a Depth of Field (DoF) effect. We have added a mod versioning system to prevent this, however it will mean that servers are not able to host mods until their authors update them for v2.12. Optimized the sky textures, which previously could cause system hitching on older hardware. Adjusted the fountains to now have a deployable blocker to prevent exploitable radio placements. Increased the update rate of particles at all quality levels. Fixed Ambient Occlusion artifacts on thousands of buildings, environment objects, and foliage assets. Fixed an issue on Logar AAS v1 & Logar Skirmish v1, the minimap was not showing the map layers version number. Design Intention: This is intended to make it harder to spot soldiers using deployables for cover. Updated soldier stamina to no longer regenerate during vaulting and climbing. Capture Speed Scaling was added in v2.14. Adjusted USA LAT 01 (M4 with Aimpoint and the M136 AT4) kit role to now have 2 frag grenades, similar to other LAT kit roles that have non-magnified scopes. Increased intensity of peripheral vision blur when using zoom optics. Restriction zones are in place that prevent enemies from coming close to forward spawns, Weaponized emplacements are removed from the build menu. Relit all tunnels with artificial lights and atmospheric effects, especially on Mestia. Added Low Quality Environment toggle: Aggressively reduces maximum allowed quality of foliage and small rocks. Stamina cost for these actions has also been increased. Design Intention: This gives defending players the opportunity to deploy an elevated, protected position, which they can use as an observation and firing platform. This patch adds the new Harju Map to the game. Potential Fix for a client crash related to network messages when joining a squad. At higher quality, textures remain at full resolution further into the distance. RAAS works for the first 5 to 20 mins into the game. Adjusted grass heights to create less excessively high grass. Skorpo is a map featured in Squad. RAAS v06. Added a new Capture Rate Indicator to the HUD Flag Status widget (in the top right of the screen). Adjusted river grass and cattail foliage to better match the rest of the autumn look. Fallujah RAAS v1 Adjusted vehicle layout, removing MEA Simir Kornet, replaced with BMP2 IFV. Kamdesh RAAS v6 new layout with 1 pre-captured flag. If the player presses the fire button for a short period, the sound effect gives the impression that you fired more rounds than you did. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps. Updated Seed Map layers to now show the game mode in the server browser, as well as adding the game modes description to the team select menu. Fixed multiple piles of incorrectly textured boulders. A complete dictionary of Squad Maps and layers available in-game. TC v1. Adjusted Mutaha TC v2 MEA vehicle layout, replacing the Simir Kornet with a BRDM2 + S8. Added a BP tool that allows media creation by loading a weapon mesh with all the attachments associated BP_Weapons_Marketing, If you are experiencing issues, be sure to go to Settings ->, Squad welcomes the folks from down under to the fight. Squad Lanes has destroyed RAAS layer. And it accomplishes this. Updated Mestia Skirmish v1 to now use Overcast Lighting. Fixed a minor visual issue of characters backpacks getting awkwardly crunched down in 3p by adjusting soldier prone pitch up and pitch down 3p poses. Fixed a minor issue with the name of the MIL Logistics Technical from Transport Pickup Truck to Logi Pickup Truck. At ease, Offworld Industries Changelog Amphibious Gameplay and Water Interaction This update primarily showcases amphibious functionality Summary Join the marine forces in amphibious assaults from ships off the coast. Fixed several issues with the peripheral vision ADS Blur for infantry weapons: Fixed ADS blur harsh cut transitions when toggling between ADS and hipfire. That helps us get an overview. Keep RAAS the same but in a 7 random objectives map: Have first 2 objective already capped to your side and everyone focus on 3 mid objective. Optimized foliage by reducing the maximum number of non-visible foliage triangles allowed to be drawn at once. This was related to the v2.0 layer overhaul vehicle spawners vehicle type authorizations. Fixed an issue where unintended high altitude wind SFX was playing across nearly the entire map. Overhauled the vehicle armour mesh system to now use a new simplified process for assigning VFX and SFX. . This is intended for very old systems for which Low settings are still not sufficient. Fixed an issue with Kornet Emplacement, which was not taking HAT damage properly. garding exported NetGUIDs and Seamless Travel. Updated the LandMine / IED explosions / Demo Charges to include new debris sounds for heavy and light vehicles and also modified the close-up explosion sound. Updated the RUS/INS/MIL BRDM Spandrel to use a new firing sound. Fixed the Scots Pine tree texture so it is less bright. Exception is RUS AR kits with RPK-74, which should spawn with 2x 45 round magazines (90 rounds in total). Improved and optimized texture quality scaling. Standard and Far Shadows have been replaced with more optimized Cascade Shadow Maps. Fixed an issue with Graphic settings to ensure contact shadows are always on for low and medium shadow quality. Hawks RAAS Rework is an overhaul of the RAAS Gamemode, set out with express purpose of making Squad Lanes obsolete. Updated the Fireteam notifications to include more detailed info such as: Mention the promotion if you are the new FTL. The map was added into the game in the Alpha 14 (June 6, 2019) update. Updated minimap with the intent to make height more readable, minimap now also features trees. Updated textures of most infantry weapons and HMGs, to bring them in line with a more realistic metallic look. Fixed several issues with the industrial_office1_plain (a building used on multiple maps) structure. Fixed an issue on Goose Bay with a hole in the rock face that could be shot through at Fishing Village grid D9-1-1. Updated vehicles with open/unprotected gunner positions so the gunner will now receive direct radial splash. Fallujah Fixed a few locations in sewers that still allowed. Added Dynamic Mesh Quality setting: Scales the quality of distant skeletal meshes, including soldiers, vehicles, and weapons. Added new map layer: Goose Bay Invasion v3 USA vs RUS, dim twilight lighting scenario with very large capture zones. This led to issues with flag distances and fairness, so it was changed to a lane system. Updated ragdoll motors to create a more realistic death with the pose being maintained. This achieved brighter highlights, deeper shadows, greater contrast, and more accurate colour. So the 1st flag could connect to any 2nd flag, then that one could connect to any 3rd flag, etc. With improved shadows and lighting also comes updates to the Graphics Settings Menu. A lock icon will appear over a capture zone when a team cannot currently affect the flag state anymore (in a double-neutral situation). My suggestion? Adjusted the faction vehicle layout on Tallil RAAS v1. The only vehicles which will still have damage from turret hits passed to their hull are those where the turret is an integral part of the hull (i.e. Squad's v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! This occurred when the stabilizer was enabled and the gunner would move the turret while the vehicle commander would move their periscope/HMG. No ticket gain from capturing flags (normally +60). While the ultimate solution will include changes to those offensive assets, buffing deployables should lead to more enjoyable defensive gameplay in the meantime. These are 100 round box mags. We have managed to make the new system up to ten times more efficient than the old Far Shadows system. Fixed a minor issue with a floating rock at grid D13-8-9. Capture speed will be shortened if one team has significantly more players in the point, relative to the other team. It takes hundreds if not thousands of hours to learn RAAS lanes but many players, myself included, know most common lanes offhand. Fixed an issue with a floating Road grid J10-2-1. The grass is thicker, has more variety, and includes realistic clustering of similar foliage types (such as patches of flowers). Mass EAC disconnect issue Occasionally upon the end of a round and when a map switch occurs, the majority of a server population will be disconnected with a Server Closed Connection message. All UGL / Frags now use a new light impact sound. Server performance may periodically dip when a server has a high population and high load. Local/Offline Bug with Weapon damages: When playing offline on Jensens Range, Weapon damages with both Infantry and Vehicle weapons are not accurately replicated. Random Advance and Secure (in short, RAAS) is one of the primary game modes in Squad and very similar to Advance and Secure (AAS). This updated grass is currently found on Gorodok, Yehorivka, and Mestia. As always please provide your feedback after playing Squads v2.12 Update on our forums (Link URL). The primary purpose is to provide a camouflaged observation position with which a defensive player can monitor enemy movements without being seen, as well as a firing platform should they choose to engage. Gorodok Fixed various floating grass: grids F6-1-2, H4-1-4, F7-7-8, C12-8-3. Narrow, windy roads and dark tunnels follow the coastline and are treacherous bottlenecks . Updated autocannon projectiles ( 23mm HE and 30mm HE) to no longer have a so-called kill zone radius this radius differs from other damage radii by ignoring mesh collisions, thus causing these projectiles to penetrate armour and still damage soldiers inside vehicles. We will keep you informed if this happens. Fixed an issue with various foliage clipping through buildings. Adjusted the grass materials to better match the landscape. Updated the MIL/INS AK74 with 1P29 to once again have adjustable range zeroing from 100m out to 400m, in increments of 100m. Reply Please note that the associated quality and performance tradeoffs have similarly changed. This, The deploy screen squad list will sometimes display incorrect players that are not actually in the squad. Updated binoculars with new zoom in/ zoom out sounds. Design Intention: Give GB team better odds to and take and hold the first objective. Adjusted vehicle out on Narva Invasion v2: GB FV107 now respawns, RUS 1x BTR82A is now single-use, other BTR82A now has 10min initial spawn time. The effect has been visually improved to eliminate most graphical artifacts and preserve visual detail in dark spaces. Updated Mutaha RAAS v1 to include new CPs and new routes. Added a new deployable rickety wooden watchtower with camo nets for Militia. Updated Main Protection Zones projectile destruction logic to now always destroy projectiles, even if there is no owning player. Fixed a minor issue with a floating ammo crate at US main on Tallil Invasion v3. Offworld Industries has launched Squad Update v2.9, debuting some major changes to ammo racks to reduce one-hit kills, a few new map layers, and a boatload of other changes. Adjusted the MEA BRDM-2, MEA BMP-2, MEA BMP-1, MEA Ural-4320 & RUS Woodland BMP-2 hull textures to improve the resolution on small details like the lamp, turret cloth and track wheels. After the fighting in Narva, the opposition forces have begun raiding the various towns in the area. This fix will force the server to re-acknowledge the data, which means there will be increased bandwidth usage after a seamless travel (map change). Updated the Manic-5 landscape, replacing the older landscape terrain shader with a new and improved shader which should offer a higher quality look. Added improved Client Performance Stats to better review game performance on machines with a more data-driven approach. Fixed a potential FOB deployment exploit on the 2nd floor inside the Warehouse. Fixed a gameplay issue with pilots getting excessively harsh team kill penalties in relation to crashing helicopters with multiple passengers. This means it will not be possible to destroy these vehicles by hitting only their turret. Adjusted the rotation speed of open turrets and emplacements using keyboard and mouse input. MEA Protection zones no-deploy zone was reduced from 150m to 80m. Design Intention: This unique Insurgent deployable is intended to slow vehicles, cut off enemy routes, conceal travel routes, block sight lines, and create fear and chaos among the enemy. Note that this setting is currently not affected by graphics presets, so remember to turn it off if you decide to stop using it. RAAS v12. Reduced the damage from 1248 down to 960 to be in line with other LAT weapons. In addition to improving the visual fidelity at all settings, this also ensures that Low settings no longer give a significant competitive advantage for spotting targets. Adjusted all Gorodok map layers helicopter altitude threshold to be decreased from 400m to 300m. Updated Mestia Invasion v1 to now use Mid Day Lighting. Updated all Infantry Rifles and Machine Gun SFX to include new mechanical shaking/jostling sounds to soldiers when sprinting (both first- and third-person). Goose Bay Fixed various floating grass. RAAS v09. Updated all muzzle flashes to be larger, brighter, and more consistent. Fixed an issue with the waterfall missing its VFX. Fixed a minor issue with the GB helmet scrim appearing too dark at longer ranges. This should alleviate the issue of a vehicle crew not being able to determine the severity of an impact (i.e. Updated the infantry Buddy Boost feature to be easier to use, which allows a soldier to climb on top of another soldier to boost over a wall.